Row House Skylights: Replacing Single-Pane Pyramids With Made To Order Triple-Pane LAMILUX FE

Row House Skylights: Replacing Single-Pane Pyramids With Made To Order Triple-Pane LAMILUX FE

Historic row houses in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago and many other urban centers used skylights to bring daylight into stairways and bathrooms. The architect and builders knew the importance of daylighting and skylights in the 19th century. However, these old skylights, often pyramids, are technologically archaic, with single panes of glass, and metal frames that are large thermal bridges and can result in condensation at the interior and occupant discomfort. Not only do they leak air, they often have an open vent. On a cold winter night, standing under these old skylights, you can feel the heat getting sucked off your body.

So, when you are tired of the discomfort, and extra heating and air-conditioning costs and want to replace these old leaky skylights, we have the solution: The LAMILUX FE unit skylight. With an integrated insulated curb and triple-pane glazing, the LAMILUX FE, is a German-engineered thermal-bridge-free solution that avoids condensation, leaks, thermal discomfort, as well as other downsides of traditional skylights.

The LAMILUX FE are stocked in several sizes in the US. By using the FIT 3 adapter, the LAMILUX FE can also be custom fabricated for a perfect fit at the old opening curbs, when upgrading your old skylights - assuring an easy install for row house skylight replacements. For more on standard vs custom sizing, see our video explaining the highlights.

Before: Existing low performance pyramid skylights
After: LAMILUX FE unit skylights with FIT 3 adapters on existing curbs
Full LAMILUX FE unit skylight with insulated integrated curb and LAMILUX FE EXIT HATCH in background

Lamilux standard, fully insulated fiberglass curb is available in a range of sizes, but if your existing condition needs a custom solution – Lamilux can produce any size with a FIT3 adapter that can be secured into any (insulated) wood framed or concrete substructure.

Skylight Section with Curb and FIT 3 adapter

If you have an upcoming project that could use a boost of daylight and comfort, send plans or sketches through our Request A Quote, page, and we’ll get back to you with our high performance solutions. Lamilux is capable of anything from the units featured in this post, to Passive House Certified skylights, to complete glass roof systems. Get in touch to learn more.