Regular price $230.00
Upgrade from PHPP 9?
Are you an iPHA Member?

(Registration ID necessary only for Upgrade option)
The PHI office in Germany sends digital files direct to the email address associated with purchases made on this site. Plan for 1-2 business days after purchase until downloads are received. If you are upgrading, you must include your previous Registration ID or 475 Order Number for the past version in the Regstration ID field.

Developed by the Passive House Institute, the PHPP is a reliable basis for planning the energy concepts of efficient buildings. With its detailed user manual, the Excel-based calculation tool is not only useful for building design, but also as a means of verifying compliance with the Passive House Standard.

iPHA Discount price
If you are a registered member of the International Passive House Institute in Germany (or a member of a US-based affiliate of the International Passive House Institute in Germany), you are eligible for the iPHA discount prices if you provide the name of the organization you are registered with in the 'Membership / Order' field. The PHPP link will only be sent once we confirm current registration with the organization provided.

If you purchased PHPP 9 through previously, you are eligible to received PHPP version 10 for the discount rate by providing the Order Number of your previous purchase in the 'Membership / Order' field.

PHPP e-book and software are distributed through a download link

PHPP 10 Metric can be used with designPH software.


Developed and refined over decades by the Passivhaus Institut in Germany, PHPP is the world’s most accurate and verified software for the design of ultra-low energy buildings. This dynamic macro-embedded Excel spreadsheet is used worldwide by architects, engineers, builders and planners who wish to design truly sustainable buildings in any climate.

Advantages of the Passive House Planning Package :

  • Energy balance calculation in the common Excel format
  • Easy and direct data input, in a flexible way where required
  • Validated result accuracy
  • Continually being further developed
  • Verification for Passive House buildings and EnerPHit retrofits
  • Detailed manual with tips for energy efficiency
  • Interface for import/export of data from/into other programms
  • Can be combined with the 3D tool designPH (plugin for SketchUP)